ÍøÍÑÅý·× blog.nextfoods.jp

Åý·×´ü´Ö: April 2016
ºîÀ®Æü»þ 20-Sep-2016 01:11 JST

[Æü¤´¤È¤ÎÅý·×] [»þ´Ö¤´¤È¤ÎÅý·×] [URL] [¥¨¥ó¥È¥ê¡¼] [Exit] [¥µ¥¤¥È] [¥ê¥Õ¥¡¥é¡¼] [¸¡º÷ʸ»úÎó] [¥¨¡¼¥¸¥§¥ó¥È] [¹ñ]

·î¤ÎÅý·× April 2016
Á´¥Ò¥Ã¥È¿ô 42461
Á´¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¿ô 37775
¹ç·× Pages 38212
¹ç·× Visits 4977
Á´ KBytes¿ô 2918771
¸ÄÊÌ¥µ¥¤¥È¿ô 1981
¸ÄÊÌURL¿ô 857
¸ÄÊÌ¥ê¥Õ¥¡¥é¡¼¿ô 1784
¸ÄÊ̥桼¥¶¥¨¡¼¥¸¥§¥ó¥È¿ô 1116
. Ê¿¶Ñ ºÇÂç
°ì»þ´Ö¤¢¤¿¤ê¤Î¥Ò¥Ã¥È¿ô 58 1089
°ìÆü¤¢¤¿¤ê¤Î¥Ò¥Ã¥È¿ô 1415 3440
°ìÆü¤¢¤¿¤ê¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¿ô 1259 3017
°ìÆü¤¢¤¿¤ê¤Î¥Ú¡¼¥¸¿ô 1273 3238
Sites per Day 66 696
°ìÆü¤¢¤¿¤ê¤ÎˬÌä¼Ô¿ô 165 296
°ìÆü¤¢¤¿¤ê¤ÎKBytes¿ô 97292 280451
Code 200 - OK 88.96% 37775
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.01% 3
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.99% 845
Code 302 - Found 2.59% 1101
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.33% 566
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.02% 7
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 1
Code 404 - Not Found 5.01% 2126
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.05% 21
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.04% 16

Daily usage for April 2016

Æü¤´¤È¤ÎÅý·× April 2016
Æü Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2048 4.82% 1741 4.61% 1956 5.12% 174 3.50% 109 5.50% 130395 4.47%
2 1263 2.97% 1021 2.70% 1160 3.04% 177 3.56% 96 4.85% 93114 3.19%
3 1996 4.70% 1936 5.13% 1914 5.01% 159 3.19% 99 5.00% 105828 3.63%
4 1703 4.01% 1634 4.33% 1598 4.18% 169 3.40% 102 5.15% 115265 3.95%
5 3440 8.10% 3017 7.99% 3238 8.47% 294 5.91% 103 5.20% 280451 9.61%
6 2831 6.67% 2633 6.97% 2744 7.18% 265 5.32% 94 4.75% 226393 7.76%
7 2690 6.34% 2436 6.45% 2603 6.81% 246 4.94% 96 4.85% 149360 5.12%
8 1506 3.55% 1349 3.57% 1419 3.71% 183 3.68% 94 4.75% 160847 5.51%
9 1406 3.31% 1351 3.58% 1294 3.39% 198 3.98% 110 5.55% 127734 4.38%
10 1362 3.21% 1316 3.48% 1283 3.36% 180 3.62% 82 4.14% 131397 4.50%
11 2118 4.99% 1862 4.93% 2006 5.25% 147 2.95% 84 4.24% 124262 4.26%
12 2166 5.10% 1982 5.25% 2074 5.43% 189 3.80% 123 6.21% 84247 2.89%
13 795 1.87% 730 1.93% 696 1.82% 201 4.04% 107 5.40% 73722 2.53%
14 735 1.73% 680 1.80% 661 1.73% 232 4.66% 107 5.40% 31780 1.09%
15 3 0.01% 3 0.01% 3 0.01% 3 0.06% 3 0.15% 23 0.00%
16 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
17 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
18 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
19 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
20 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
21 1431 3.37% 1348 3.57% 1245 3.26% 154 3.09% 79 3.99% 72329 2.48%
22 1243 2.93% 1136 3.01% 1109 2.90% 209 4.20% 101 5.10% 78074 2.67%
23 1741 4.10% 1572 4.16% 1458 3.82% 184 3.70% 117 5.91% 181436 6.22%
24 943 2.22% 828 2.19% 836 2.19% 195 3.92% 127 6.41% 76109 2.61%
25 1153 2.72% 1031 2.73% 1031 2.70% 188 3.78% 121 6.11% 116569 3.99%
26 3006 7.08% 2654 7.03% 2645 6.92% 296 5.95% 145 7.32% 148532 5.09%
27 2094 4.93% 1325 3.51% 932 2.44% 258 5.18% 696 35.13% 129603 4.44%
28 2093 4.93% 1854 4.91% 1899 4.97% 233 4.68% 125 6.31% 101048 3.46%
29 1298 3.06% 1019 2.70% 1134 2.97% 261 5.24% 121 6.11% 96746 3.31%
30 1397 3.29% 1317 3.49% 1274 3.33% 227 4.56% 111 5.60% 83508 2.86%

Hourly usage for April 2016

»þ´Ö¤´¤È¤ÎÅý·× April 2016
»þ Hits Files Pages KBytes
Ê¿¶Ñ ¹ç·× Ê¿¶Ñ ¹ç·× Ê¿¶Ñ ¹ç·× Ê¿¶Ñ ¹ç·×
0 52 1569 3.70% 48 1456 3.85% 45 1352 3.54% 3890 116708 4.00%
1 45 1364 3.21% 41 1254 3.32% 40 1225 3.21% 5576 167281 5.73%
2 58 1743 4.10% 56 1698 4.50% 55 1652 4.32% 3818 114553 3.92%
3 48 1444 3.40% 43 1312 3.47% 45 1358 3.55% 3525 105737 3.62%
4 51 1541 3.63% 47 1420 3.76% 50 1509 3.95% 3338 100147 3.43%
5 35 1068 2.52% 34 1025 2.71% 33 1004 2.63% 3649 109467 3.75%
6 48 1444 3.40% 44 1341 3.55% 42 1266 3.31% 3911 117329 4.02%
7 48 1457 3.43% 45 1362 3.61% 44 1327 3.47% 3137 94104 3.22%
8 90 2703 6.37% 59 1792 4.74% 60 1824 4.77% 4612 138373 4.74%
9 48 1465 3.45% 40 1214 3.21% 40 1212 3.17% 3941 118223 4.05%
10 79 2370 5.58% 66 1999 5.29% 71 2147 5.62% 5152 154557 5.30%
11 58 1755 4.13% 51 1556 4.12% 54 1648 4.31% 4823 144683 4.96%
12 54 1630 3.84% 49 1484 3.93% 48 1448 3.79% 3757 112709 3.86%
13 52 1565 3.69% 49 1494 3.95% 46 1383 3.62% 4225 126764 4.34%
14 71 2133 5.02% 62 1873 4.96% 63 1909 5.00% 4412 132360 4.53%
15 52 1567 3.69% 47 1415 3.75% 48 1442 3.77% 3342 100247 3.43%
16 57 1710 4.03% 48 1467 3.88% 53 1599 4.18% 3407 102207 3.50%
17 48 1444 3.40% 43 1313 3.48% 40 1217 3.18% 3906 117187 4.01%
18 47 1427 3.36% 45 1350 3.57% 43 1299 3.40% 4806 144177 4.94%
19 73 2190 5.16% 66 1981 5.24% 67 2026 5.30% 3833 114979 3.94%
20 53 1609 3.79% 50 1513 4.01% 50 1528 4.00% 3078 92343 3.16%
21 65 1966 4.63% 58 1742 4.61% 61 1857 4.86% 4161 124818 4.28%
22 102 3081 7.26% 93 2799 7.41% 97 2932 7.67% 3311 99324 3.40%
23 73 2216 5.22% 63 1915 5.07% 68 2048 5.36% 5683 170495 5.84%

¥È¥Ã¥× 30 of 857 Á´URL
# Hits KBytes URL
1 17677 41.63% 229205 7.85% /
2 5006 11.79% 1305053 44.71% /webalizer/ref_201403.html
3 3478 8.19% 32954 1.13% /webalizer/
4 3407 8.02% 11043 0.38% /wp-login.php
5 2267 5.34% 34976 1.20% /xmlrpc.php
6 560 1.32% 39670 1.36% /webalizer/usage_201604.html
7 520 1.22% 10 0.00% /wp-cron.php
8 332 0.78% 4497 0.15% /webalizer/url_201411.html
9 264 0.62% 9419 0.32% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js
10 262 0.62% 940 0.03% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js
11 259 0.61% 173 0.01% /wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/js/navigation.js
12 257 0.61% 186 0.01% /wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js
13 248 0.58% 1245 0.04% /wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js
14 228 0.54% 29472 1.01% /awffull/ref_201506.html
15 181 0.43% 5 0.00% /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
16 83 0.20% 9838 0.34% /webalizer/site_201405.html
17 60 0.14% 1056 0.04% /webalizer/url_201604.html
18 40 0.09% 4926 0.17% /webalizer/ref_201410.html
19 36 0.08% 2137 0.07% /wp-content/uploads/2015/05/G-SSM.20150504.pdf
20 29 0.07% 1202 0.04% /wp-admin/load-scripts.php
21 28 0.07% 2374 0.08% /awffull/ref_201508.html
22 26 0.06% 3074 0.11% /awffull/ref_201505.html
23 25 0.06% 212 0.01% /awffull/usage_201604.html
24 25 0.06% 277 0.01% /webalizer/agent_201604.html
25 25 0.06% 375 0.01% /webalizer/ref_201604.html
26 24 0.06% 254 0.01% /awffull/agent_201604.html
27 24 0.06% 235 0.01% /awffull/ref_201604.html
28 24 0.06% 106 0.00% /awffull/url_201604.html
29 23 0.05% 203 0.01% /webalizer/agent_201310.html
30 22 0.05% 1405 0.05% /wp-admin/load-styles.php
View All URLs

¥È¥Ã¥× 10 of 857 Á´URL By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5006 11.79% 1305053 44.71% /webalizer/ref_201403.html
2 17677 41.63% 229205 7.85% /
3 560 1.32% 39670 1.36% /webalizer/usage_201604.html
4 2267 5.34% 34976 1.20% /xmlrpc.php
5 3478 8.19% 32954 1.13% /webalizer/
6 228 0.54% 29472 1.01% /awffull/ref_201506.html
7 3407 8.02% 11043 0.38% /wp-login.php
8 83 0.20% 9838 0.34% /webalizer/site_201405.html
9 264 0.62% 9419 0.32% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js
10 14 0.03% 7356 0.25% /wp-content/uploads/2015/07/SP-2015005.2.pdf

¥È¥Ã¥× 10 of 123 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 17677 41.63% 2705 55.56% /
2 3478 8.19% 808 16.59% /webalizer/
3 2267 5.34% 326 6.70% /xmlrpc.php
4 520 1.22% 295 6.06% /wp-cron.php
5 3407 8.02% 119 2.44% /wp-login.php
6 5006 11.79% 77 1.58% /webalizer/ref_201403.html
7 560 1.32% 69 1.42% /webalizer/usage_201604.html
8 228 0.54% 62 1.27% /awffull/ref_201506.html
9 40 0.09% 19 0.39% /webalizer/ref_201410.html
10 24 0.06% 18 0.37% /awffull/agent_201604.html

¥È¥Ã¥× 10 of 130 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 17677 41.63% 2763 56.88% /
2 3478 8.19% 714 14.70% /webalizer/
3 2267 5.34% 334 6.88% /xmlrpc.php
4 520 1.22% 296 6.09% /wp-cron.php
5 3407 8.02% 136 2.80% /wp-login.php
6 5006 11.79% 92 1.89% /webalizer/ref_201403.html
7 560 1.32% 63 1.30% /webalizer/usage_201604.html
8 228 0.54% 47 0.97% /awffull/ref_201506.html
9 83 0.20% 24 0.49% /webalizer/site_201405.html
10 40 0.09% 19 0.39% /webalizer/ref_201410.html

¥È¥Ã¥× 30 of 1981 ¥µ¥¤¥È
# Hits Files KBytes Visits ¥Û¥¹¥È̾
1 8887 20.93% 8070 21.36% 313967 10.76% 246 4.94% Invalid
2 4277 10.07% 4277 11.32% 1116293 38.25% 42 0.84% ppp-77-247-22-51.wildpark.net
3 4130 9.73% 4130 10.93% 78871 2.70% 151 3.03% sol-fttb.
4 1508 3.55% 1508 3.99% 5431 0.19% 8 0.16% h146-253.fcsrv.net
5 1010 2.38% 1010 2.67% 453 0.02% 4 0.08%
6 975 2.30% 975 2.58% 13646 0.47% 169 3.40% static.
7 928 2.19% 928 2.46% 17793 0.61% 35 0.70% sol-fttb.
8 666 1.57% 588 1.56% 198172 6.79% 177 3.56% crawl-66-249-77-80.googlebot.com
9 618 1.46% 482 1.28% 2789 0.10% 12 0.24% mj12bot.com
10 592 1.39% 592 1.57% 23999 0.82% 109 2.19% 176-8-91-153-lvv.broadband.kyivstar.net
11 521 1.23% 521 1.38% 10 0.00% 297 5.97% nextfoods.jp
12 514 1.21% 509 1.35% 11897 0.41% 82 1.65% hn.kd.ny.adsl
13 474 1.12% 244 0.65% 1129 0.04% 1 0.02% static.
14 456 1.07% 272 0.72% 2213 0.08% 1 0.02% 62-210-115-133.rev.poneytelecom.eu
15 425 1.00% 368 0.97% 93734 3.21% 159 3.19% crawl-66-249-77-86.googlebot.com
16 408 0.96% 408 1.08% 147 0.01% 83 1.67% no-reverse-dns-configured.com
17 397 0.93% 243 0.64% 1972 0.07% 2 0.04% static.
18 389 0.92% 355 0.94% 7514 0.26% 3 0.06% 195-154-200-93.rev.poneytelecom.eu
19 386 0.91% 277 0.73% 1922 0.07% 3 0.06% mj8.naefmarco.ch
20 366 0.86% 324 0.86% 65807 2.25% 146 2.93% crawl-66-249-77-92.googlebot.com
21 361 0.85% 271 0.72% 2471 0.08% 2 0.04% server.2share.tv
22 360 0.85% 263 0.70% 10713 0.37% 14 0.28% kd106158010136.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp
23 354 0.83% 274 0.73% 1590 0.05% 1 0.02% mj6.naefmarco.ch
24 345 0.81% 298 0.79% 2191 0.08% 2 0.04%
25 323 0.76% 208 0.55% 1691 0.06% 2 0.04% creativewayofliving.com
26 321 0.76% 304 0.80% 1927 0.07% 2 0.04% server2.heroxit.de
27 316 0.74% 293 0.78% 3057 0.10% 1 0.02% 62-210-90-118.rev.poneytelecom.eu
28 301 0.71% 300 0.79% 1643 0.06% 1 0.02% ns305638.ip-91-121-221.eu
29 298 0.70% 296 0.78% 1678 0.06% 2 0.04% h24.pleisty.com
30 268 0.63% 268 0.71% 3917 0.13% 33 0.66% c-46-246-82-142.ip4.frootvpn.com
View All Sites

¥È¥Ã¥× 10 of 1981 ¥µ¥¤¥È By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits ¥Û¥¹¥È̾
1 4277 10.07% 4277 11.32% 1116293 38.25% 42 0.84% ppp-77-247-22-51.wildpark.net
2 8887 20.93% 8070 21.36% 313967 10.76% 246 4.94% Invalid
3 666 1.57% 588 1.56% 198172 6.79% 177 3.56% crawl-66-249-77-80.googlebot.com
4 425 1.00% 368 0.97% 93734 3.21% 159 3.19% crawl-66-249-77-86.googlebot.com
5 4130 9.73% 4130 10.93% 78871 2.70% 151 3.03% sol-fttb.
6 366 0.86% 324 0.86% 65807 2.25% 146 2.93% crawl-66-249-77-92.googlebot.com
7 45 0.11% 44 0.12% 39496 1.35% 1 0.02%
8 18 0.04% 16 0.04% 25664 0.88% 4 0.08% crawl-66-249-75-220.googlebot.com
9 30 0.07% 27 0.07% 24742 0.85% 8 0.16% crawl-66-249-75-204.googlebot.com
10 28 0.07% 24 0.06% 24432 0.84% 10 0.20% crawl-66-249-75-212.googlebot.com

¥È¥Ã¥× 30 of 1784 ¥ê¥Õ¥¡¥é¡¼
# Hits ¥ê¥Õ¥¡¥é¡¼
1 18809 44.30% - (Direct Request)
2 1789 4.21% http://blog.nextfoods.jp/
3 500 1.18% https://videohd.ws
4 491 1.16% http://prohoster.info
5 455 1.07% http://blog.nextfoods.jp/xmlrpc.php
6 376 0.89% http://buylevitra03.com
7 321 0.76% http://blog.nextfoods.jp/wp-login.php
8 280 0.66% http://www.gorodservis.ru
9 276 0.65% http://komiksy-onlain.ru/
10 271 0.64% http://www.xolodremont.ru/remont_holodilnikov_na_domu.html
11 270 0.64% http://www.xolodremont.ru
12 269 0.63% http://äàíèë-ìàñòåð.ðô
13 256 0.60% http://nolvadex.xyz
14 256 0.60% http://online-pharmacy.click
15 252 0.59% http://www.xolodremont.ru/master_po_remontu_holodilnikov.html
16 233 0.55% http://sildalis365.xyz
17 168 0.40% http://5candles.com.ua/
18 168 0.40% http://777s.ru/
19 168 0.40% http://gsbhelmets.com/
20 168 0.40% http://levitra-365.com
21 168 0.40% http://perebezhchik.ru/
22 168 0.40% http://voloomoney.com/
23 168 0.40% http://www.stroymat-new.ru
24 168 0.40% https://cslottery.su
25 168 0.40% https://www.handsonco.com/
26 165 0.39% http://ab-elect.ru/
27 164 0.39% http://baza-lesnayaskazka.ru
28 164 0.39% http://danalina.by/
29 164 0.39% http://e-parfum.by/
30 164 0.39% http://morskie-progulki.ru
View All Referrers

¥È¥Ã¥× 5 of 5 Total Search Strings
# Hits ¸¡º÷ʸ»úÎó
1 1 20.00% oevzloc
2 1 20.00% pornobol5
3 1 20.00% À¹²¬ ÊÛºâÅ·
4 1 20.00% À¹²¬»Ô ÊÛºâÅ·
5 1 20.00% ÊÛºâÅ·¡¡À¹²¬»Ô

¥È¥Ã¥× 15 of 1116 ¥æ¡¼¥¶¥¨¡¼¥¸¥§¥ó¥È
# Hits ¥æ¡¼¥¶¥¨¡¼¥¸¥§¥ó¥È
1 8281 19.50% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.5; http://www.majestic12.co.uk/bot.php?+)
2 1947 4.59% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
3 1508 3.55% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
4 1319 3.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0
5 1054 2.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0
6 954 2.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.101 Safari/537.36
7 776 1.83% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)
8 674 1.59% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/
9 617 1.45% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0
10 467 1.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.101 Safari/537.36
11 433 1.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.html)
12 425 1.00% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
13 408 0.96% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible: MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
14 407 0.96% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.89 Safari/537.36 OPR/28.0.1750.48
15 343 0.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for April 2016

¥È¥Ã¥× 30 of 76 ¹ñ
# Hits Files KBytes ¹ñ
1 9639 22.70% 8759 23.19% 342410 11.73% Unresolved/Unknown
2 9429 22.21% 8719 23.08% 1214742 41.62% Network (net)
3 7444 17.53% 6530 17.29% 1040122 35.64% Commercial (com)
4 5682 13.38% 5602 14.83% 100534 3.44% Ukraine
5 3261 7.68% 2477 6.56% 39407 1.35% Germany
6 2208 5.20% 1736 4.60% 114162 3.91% Japan
7 1560 3.67% 1269 3.36% 15690 0.54% European Union
8 1049 2.47% 826 2.19% 4761 0.16% Switzerland
9 382 0.90% 370 0.98% 13394 0.46% Russian Federation
10 361 0.85% 271 0.72% 2471 0.08% Tuvalu
11 270 0.64% 265 0.70% 2197 0.08% Turkey
12 236 0.56% 233 0.62% 1668 0.06% United Kingdom
13 130 0.31% 105 0.28% 3140 0.11% Poland
14 104 0.24% 37 0.10% 143 0.00% Australia
15 74 0.17% 74 0.20% 1328 0.05% Professional (pro)
16 61 0.14% 58 0.15% 1904 0.07% Brazil
17 56 0.13% 56 0.15% 927 0.03% Belarus
18 38 0.09% 38 0.10% 4208 0.14% Non-Profit (org)
19 36 0.08% 16 0.04% 118 0.00% Educational (edu)
20 35 0.08% 16 0.04% 199 0.01% France
21 34 0.08% 32 0.08% 5017 0.17% Italy
22 25 0.06% 24 0.06% 170 0.01% Denmark
23 23 0.05% 19 0.05% 374 0.01% Norway
24 21 0.05% 16 0.04% 1078 0.04% Netherlands
25 20 0.05% 12 0.03% 70 0.00% China
26 18 0.04% 13 0.03% 120 0.00% Belgium
27 17 0.04% 16 0.04% 159 0.01% Austria
28 17 0.04% 11 0.03% 233 0.01% Canada
29 15 0.04% 12 0.03% 191 0.01% Czech Republic
30 15 0.04% 13 0.03% 275 0.01% India

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23